Small patios or courtyards are an ideal place to install wall fountains because they add style to an area with little space. Whatever design of outdoor wall fountain you are searching for whether it be traditional, contemporary, classic, or Asian you will certainly find the one you like best. While there are innumerable prefabricated ones on the market, you may need a custom-built fountain if none of these are pleasing to you.
Mounted and stand-alone water features are readily available on the market. You can place a mounted wall fountain because they are small and self-contained. Fountains of this type need to be light, therefore, they are typically fabricated from resin (resembling stone) or fiberglass. Sizable free-standing wall fountains, commonly referred to as floor fountains, have their basins positioned on the floor and a flat side leaning on a wall. There are no weight limits on these kinds of cast stone water features.
Custom-built fountains which can be incorporated into a new or existing wall are often recommended by landscaping designers. Placing the basin against the wall and installing all the plumbing work requires a professional mason to do it right. It is also vital to include a (filled info) spout or fountain mask to build it into the wall. The cohesive look produced by custom-made wall fountains make them appear to be part of the scenery instead of an afterthought.